Sunday, December 6, 2009

Helping family


We (the whole bunch of us plus friends) helped Katie and Terry move their stuff from one office to another, much larger nicer one. EVERYone helped - including Collin. He worked his little tail off!  This dolly of product was quite heavy, especially for a 5 1/2 yr old but he insisted he could do it!  Problem was, the dock has a slope to it and the dolly started to get away.  I put down my camera and helped after I got the above shot!
(Nice of me, don't you think?)

Then he got it going back up hill and actually managed to get it into the other dock!  He did have a BIT of a problem at first, because as you can see by this pic - he was pushing on the boxes not the dolly.  Yep, we had to reload the end box!

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