Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cactus in Bloom

This is what I have for flowers! Well, not me, exactly, but everyone else! These are like really BIG weeds that grow here - they are all over. But they are so pretty when they are in bloom. I took these to send to Kyle (my nephew) since we had been talking about them. They bloom in this beautiful orange or in a bright yellow. Those are the only colors I have seen...... Then they get fruit on them that turns purple when they are ripe. Some folks make jellies out of the fruit. We were given a little jar of jelly once when we were visiting down here and to be honest, we weren't impressed. I guess it is an acquired taste - that I haven't acquired yet.
I also had my first experience with cactus thorns taking these pics! I wanted to get a close up for Kyle - so I did. Too close! That's what the picture is of my leg! I was sure glad I wore long pants that day - my capris were dirty! And they have little tiny thorns that you can't see but boy do they hurt! Dellas had to help me get them off my pants then out of my fingers. This is not an Arizona experience I intend to repeat!


  1. Very nice Marlene, you will find it a lot of fun!

  2. Thank you! I'm so bad a journaling and letter writing that I thought this might work! Course, I'm not going to be any where as exciting as Greece or Italy.... but it's really beautiful here. When I figure out how to do a slide attachment, I'll post some pics from around the area! We have a mountain that starts out at the bottom with cactus and by the time you get to the top, you have gone 8,000 feet and are in the pines. There's even a small lake up there! Really pretty.

  3. hey Sis- at least you didn't SIT on the cactus! I think we have a YOUNGER sister who can remember when SHE did! hahaha


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