Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Dellas decided that $50 to get both dogs groomed was a bit much. After all, he sheared sheep, how much harder could a little dog be? So we bought clippers and he dug in! Actually Rascal did pretty good! His groomers have always said he just stood there but we weren't sure how he would do. Turns out, he just stood there! I took pictures through the screen door in the hopes he wouldn't see me and jump down.

He got tired after a while - apparently Dellas takes longer than the groomer! So he laid down! I took a shot of him looking longingly at me through the screen......
but I apparently accidently deleted it.....oh well. It was sad....

They BOTH got tired so Dellas stopped. His hair was really long and it's thick so he is doing it in two stages. This is the result of stage one. As you can see, there is still alot of hair there!
Last weekend, we went to the pumpkin patch. This is Collin.

This is Liam - see Poppa's hat?

We tried to get Liam to pet the little horse but he wasn't really interested! Man, I'm really bad! I deleted one I took of Collin in the petting zoo too! Dang it! How am I doing that? sigh....

This is a really bad shot of our house last night. I guess I need a tripod for night shots!
But you get the idea. The pumpkins were mostly done by Katie.
Mine is the little one on the lower right.

This is Katie, Terry, Liam the Lobster, and Collin in a Ghost costume he made with a bit of help from Grammy. He knew what he wanted and there ya go!

We had homemade potato soup and homemade bread before we started eating candy.
I think we all had a good time. Kimi and Jason came for dinner then went to Jason's folks for a while. Not may treak-or-treaters and not many places passing out candy which seemed to work because Collin really raked in the candy!
Hope everyone else had a fun Halloween!


  1. I love that dad is "shearing" Rascal. Nice!

    My little nephews are *nearly* the cutest children in the world. Second only to my own. ;)

    I love Collins ghost!

  2. Poor Dell- Poor Rascal! I bet dell thinks twice about doing it again though! hahaha your house looks spoooooky! what fun to see it! I never EVER saw it in Pocky............sad, huh? The kids look cute! You are so LUCKY being the one to take th pictures!!! We wait for ours to come over the wires..............Lucky Grammy and Grampa!

  3. I think that it's probably easier than shearing sheep. Rascal is dumb, but not as dumb as a sheep :)

    Heidi- I think it depends on which kids are behaving that day as to who's are cuter! There have been lots of times I liked yours better :)


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